We¡¯re pleased to introduce a distinguished
artist in his artistic discourse with profound aesthetic and virtuosity, his
singular show coming to you
Discourse in Aesthetic
of Art Works
Lee, Bung Lyol
The Logos of Nature, Mixed media, 84X48cm,2007

View of 'The Logos in Nature'
Alvin Lee
Extraordinarily in his brilliant
paintings ¡¦
The great nature itself, brings us a
certain significance of goodness, it is intangible and indescribable something
that seemingly both has a mysterious object harmonizing each other by mingling
among creatures. If we approach in regarding to the nature as a philosophic
discourse a language of 'Logos' in the universe, we forever probably couldn't be able to verify entirely about curious queries,
accordingly we necessarily should put a provocative issue about it
consistently, such as, what is the practical meaning of the nature? It is an
exiting subject that might be casting
that a curious issue to every artists who have to survey beyond its wonder and oddity. Look at the petal, and
imagine it, there is nothing same shape, among illuminating colors in the great
In this reason why we may, on aesthetic view, particularly for the artists,
seriously cling to identify of its
grandeur and eager to verify from the most worthwhile thing, even want to
express some shapes. It is real beauty itself and indescribable substance of
them. With mysterious principles in it, however , the more we try to know that,
we may getting in more puzzle of its own
oddity in inscrutable, so that we can't help admiring in utmost greatness and a
profound meaning, because itself beyond metaphysical word that is to be just
aesthetic resource. Therefore I put the ¡®Logos in Nature¡¯ and ¡®weather map¡¯ as
my theme in my painting, because there is nothing more important fact that our
environment is only a place on the planet for the human¡¯s living and existence.
It is obviously precious one itself rather than any arts.
 Aesthetic World
To be a human being in
purity, we have to return to the innocence along with a genuine and even sacred
mind as if ever since our cradle was. In the nature as a mother on earth itself
is now telling to us indescribable things and attractiveness spontaneously, and
shown slightly by hidden variety of visible or invisible object. It but has
contained enormous meaningful messages as a certain sign of profoundness or
stillness, it seems like unknown code of a secret in the nature. All that makes
us eager to epitomize into the visual rhetoric. In fact, to being or to be
survival for the present, on earth including scientists there have been many
people who are striving to decipher somewhat of a riddle as it secret's code
onto the dignity of nature, unfortunately the more if they try to know about
it, the deeper to get into its distraction of the complicated world. As the
result the people would totally goes far into chaotic world where they will be
straggled to maintain their existence in the universal order.
Therefore the naturalizing forms in essence of it that is must be more an
inextricable realm to those who are strived the creative something specials by
seeing that particularly for the artists. No one who can ever been analyzed it
yet , and they can't make
it visible or invisible forms completely, they even couldn't recognized it even a little part. Yes, unless
otherwise, it's a fate that anyone should be disappeared from the universe, it
might never and ever could be identified its greatness by only power of man,
unfortunately, because it's beyond the world where has a meaning of transcendent.
weather Map – Low Pressure , Mixed
media, 80X48cm,2009  But no
matter how is it difficult thing staggering me by it, every time ¡®I used to
imagine just what I need to look into some of core shapes regarding this
ambiguous thing, which even rather looking much abstruse object of code, but it
by itself has already melted down into my soul and mind that has formed
perfectly by imbuing into the nature. After that I just can grab a little its
visual recognition which inspired me from the nature. Therefore, now and
forever I will dare to challenge continuously in order to capture a core figure
of its epiphany like a poet, by plotting not only aesthetic views, but also
seeking for a new creative factor and visual words as a metaphor. In which are
condensed into a consciousness of beauty in my artistic realm by them, but must
try not to be a banal stuff just seeing it outwardly beyond the terminology of
¡®ISM¡¯ or category of art trends. Accordingly, I consider that the artistic world as an original thing is
likely some primitive one of ritual in the prehistory of mankind derivate from
one's instinct of its great curiosity or epiphany . It is definitely giving me
some of the motivating energy to depict something, that is my firmed confidence
and intuition.
To being itself, it's difficult thing to
identified subject in the eternity of nature, because of ambiguity in intrinsic value. However, I dare
to continually attempt to create by exploring them with my efforts in full of
thoughts, by visualizing in words of metaphor and irony or paradox and I do
focus on creative working toward the greatness of nature regarding a certain
vague forms from the nature, draw forth a new formative method by look into it
carefully, by use of any kinds of mediums through my deep contemplation, which
is all that I have to pursue and to research consistently on 'Logos in Nature'.
These are freely shall be expressed it in my discretion as an artists, by there
I can feeling a sense of concordance
that I can imagine. However it is not the cynical side but merely
empathy with them, blending together, I want to say the optimistic. As much as
I try, it might be accomplished as diverse metaphysical languages of symbolic,
semiotic, juxtaposition, Irony, dichotomy etc. paint into my space of heart.
 Weather Map –Cloud 9 ,Mixed media, 80X52cm,2009
Aesthetic Discourse
as ¡®Weather Map¡¯
In the universe, a human being whose figure is just an
extremely tiny and slightest thing, merely a trifling fragment, composing with
in it, so that men are inevitably faces in many hazards by experiencing goes
through from the natural disaster and openly encounter lots of diseases
inevitably on their living. It is making always more jeopardizing to our life
of the present surviving on the planet hardly. Particularly, a certain
catastrophe upon the nature much brings openly the great influences into the human
in what's ever situations, all the more, from time to time, is disappeared by
his rigorous order from the heaven, and completely without any traces from its
existence on, indeed it is an immense thing. That's why we can't help kneeling
down before the majestic power of the nature and nothing but we have to be
subordinated by its greatness apart from religions
Thus, we,
ourselves just as a man whose attitude in front of him, obviously we should
have a modest attitude in obeying spontaneously, because it¡¯s a wise way that
we need to aware the fact that human beings who are like a feather under the
category of the God's control, despite utmost force by themselves. Unlimited
space has some kind of magical mighty not only, in principle, abruptly is
changing consistently the climate on the planet upon unfounded mutations under
a divine but multiplies their movement unceasingly. As artist, now I'm thrilling that my view I focus on
these phenomenon of the weather's changes, so I dare to begin to go on a
questing to verify and to examine these tremendously various incidents caused,
and all the changes which are seen by experiencing and captivating of visual
point, only by using a brush touch with a sensitivity and my aesthetic view.¡¯
Recently, throughout the earth is suffering heavily upon environmental
pollutions, disruptions, contaminated by slurring of carbon dioxide and many
kinds of toxic materials, and the human fallacy instantly by
Therefore we all probably feels great anxiety that confronts in enormous danger
caused its experiencing, seeing the many tragic moments and risky. According to
a certain expert's mentioned, "such tendencies of the present if the
planet further contaminated by air pollutions etc. and shall be increased
rapidly. Not be long within 20years, as we calling it ¡® Global Warming¡¯ in earth, the
temperature shall be least 2 degree goes up warmer, so that many regions of the
land would be sink then many places, lands are flooded under water by rising
the sea level with a bit high." So unfortunately, dreadfully all the
animals, beings and plants both shall be stirred and might be vanished away
beyond the earth."They are predict and saying like this.

Unfortunately it is a bloodcurdling story happen in a
moment. If we were to see such a biggest calamity, we can remind it wretched
figures and furious things what it's happened, at the same time we all should
have in a sincere repentance into our mind either even yearning its significant
scenes or meaningfulness. So we necessarily have to see its reality and I want
to catch it my personal views as an artist, how could I grab some of visual
point through about it's dynamic rocking my soul? Or how I could adopt it how
to apply on my aesthetic views to on canvas? Anyhow, it is a very difficult but
an excited thing and even sophistical matter, even if there is any sarcastic
talks by someone, but it is a thrilling task that I might be captured the
moment of magnificence, and both to sublime them into my pictorial views and
converge its tangible thing into my over flowing imagination to my artworks,
which is definitely interesting subject and amazing matter, to point out them
critical and delicate view, that is, it is a provocative issue through my eyes
with psychological, paradoxical, even satire, witty point derived from the
spirit and aspiration
Fruits Mutation after rain , Mixed Media ,52 X 40.5cm,2010  
Riddle of Myth, Mixed media, 80X 52cm,2013
As looking back on childhood, a funny thing I used to
enjoy a papered pin- wheel by whirling in the wind, from the west direction,
sometime the south, like an electronic fan's moving, get more fun, climb to
hillside where was quite playground. On the contrary, I remember chatting with
friends there, when it¡¯s caused much raining, there have naturally formed a
tiny brook by a pit with mud, where we had played a water game, by breaking out
the bank from upside its watering to downside, it was an extremely fun I thought, even it was just a game to get
a fun but now it make me remind of a terrible reminiscence from those game
which was a horrible memory or experience in overlapping the present weather,
now unexpectedly, magically has happening in the same manner on the planet
Because of we all are irresistibly imprisoned by his
immense force like a manacle. Through on those reflections from the weather, we
serious know that now it lies in weather changes, but either we by our extremely egoism, just
want to be being in a safety, or pleasantly stay on that situation and to being
a stable circumstance of the planet. But it's a rough situation, I myself to
see them, paradoxically I can imagine its unique shapes emerging from weather
changes, even grotesque, bizarre as well those are modifying forms to be
expressed with my enthusiasm, I consider
there few artists who dare to challenge to its immensity except my paintings as
cynical metaphor

Weather Map- Avaricious, Mixed media, 84X50cm,2014
'The Weather Map'
in line with, although it's an expressive way by limited thought rather than
concrete, or to be brush-stroke line with ultimately natural figure by abstract
or concrete feature. After all, any way that could be making a blur or symbolic
gesture into my artworks, practically which might be unknown code of my own
unique formative languages and artistic
Through this
imaginative action by my brain storming , I'm try to find out something
metaphysic words of formative in its oddity, the nature it's unfolded scenery
are naturally providing us amazing things like mystical, conjuring something by
captivating and either it may be healing, make refreshing, refining of human's
mind some time in some way, the moment our eyes keeping on, it shall be
immersed in optical illusion as much clear as crystal, as if when we looking at
the landscape in white clouds, green forests even stirring up colored field, of
which I want to paint on my canvas its wonder and virtuosity. However, it 's
all of those are merely humble expressions what we want are still in an anxiety
of living.
The Weather Map ', it is
a great issue that the people's perception in
my art works could be understood not only my formative view point and
even visible well through those artworks, for all the viewers as well to appreciate
it, let them to be absorbed in brilliant looking about the nature rather than
even some queer feeling in their life. Apart from my point of view, upon
honesty if we were human being we all should once consider it for our life and
get some of introspection in life through the last time. As far as we alive,
definitely we should be remained a warrantable planet as beautiful legacy of
creatures to our descendant as long as we're able to preserve for, I think at
least it is significantly cogent theory
something, even though it may be ambiguous thing or it is an egregious logic

In conclusion,
In conclusion,
I want
to say that is about the fact of the whole nature was created by the God, both
evolution and creation and other creatures which also are home in living for
survival . We were constrained by relating radical changes of nature, and not
be free by departing the great nature. As if we were born, all the nature and
creatures in the underlying principles within this mechanism, keeping ,
emerging and disappearing repeatedly, and moving on sustainable for his
existence beyond the eternity. Therefore,
'The weather Map' of my
paintings seriously means what do we living for? How should we live on earth?,
even though these queries seems to queer and absurd, unfortunately, we all
dwell in desire for having only in materialism, but obviously they are to be in
vain in the long run, it is because affected our fate by which way going to
choose as well, so as we thought, so I will let the people are aroused this
serious issue on the weather map once again by visualizing a plot of artworks,
I wish discover for some exclusive one in my works consistently., and will
explore to unknown world of my imagination on my space of heart. To explore it
mystery is to venture towards the sublime¡± said by Artist, Joseph Cornell who I