
[Á¶°¢] ±èżö ¤ÓKim,Tae-sue |
5709 |
Æ®·¢¹é ÁÖ¼Ò : http://artiaco.com/home/bbs/tb.php/mgallery/147
MFA in Sculpture. The New York Academy of Art. ¡°cum laude" 1992
Pursued for MFA in Sculpture. Indiana University, Bloomington, IN
MFA in Sculpture. Ewha Women's University, Seoul, Korea. 1986
BA in Sculpture. Hannam University, 1984
Lecturing. Ewha Women's University (2000 -2005)
Lecturing. Hannam University (1993 - 2006)
Lecturing. Korea National University of Education (2002 - 2007)
Lecturing. Chungnam National University (1996 - 1998)
Solo Exhibitions
2009 "ECO FLOW", Insa Art Center, Seoul, Korea (11th)
2008 "ECO FLOW", Gac Gallery, Seoul KOREA (10TH)
2006 "The Sounds of Light", Mushim Gallery, Cheongju, Korea (9th)
"The Sounds of Life" Red Milll Gallery, VSC, VT, USA (8th)
Residency Artist Fellowship, Vermont Studio Center, VT, USA
2005 "The Sounds of Life", Mushim Gallery, Cheongju, Korea (7th)
2004 Seoul Art Fair, Hangaram Gallery, Seoul Art center, Seoul, Korea
"The Sounds of Life", Mushim Gallery, Cheongju, Korea (6th)
2003 Seoul Art Fair, Hangaram Gallery in Seoul Art Center
Chungbuk Art Fair, Cheongju Art Hall (5th)
2002 "The Choice of Life", Media Image Gallery, Gainesville, Florida USA (4th)
Workshop Fellowship, The Carving Studio and Sculpture Center, Vermont, USA
Media Image Gallery, Gainesville, Florida, USA
2001 "The Relationship", Mushim Gallery, Cheongju, Korea (3rd)
2000 "The Choice of Life", Gongpyung Art Center, Seoul, Korea (2nd)
"The Choice of Life", Mushim Art Gallery, Chongju, Korea
1995 "Life Comtemplation", Seokyung Art Gallery, Seoul, Korea (1st)
"Life Comtemplation", Owon Art Gallery, Daejeon, Korea
Sculpture Competitions
1991 The 13th Annual James Wilbur Johnston Figurative Sculpture
Competition, New York
1990 The 12th Annual James Wilbur Johnston Figurative Sculpture
Competition, New York
1989 The 9th Annual James Wilbur Johnston Figurative Sculpture
Competition, Washington, DC
1992 M.F.A. Graduation Exhibition. The New York Academy of Art, New York City
1986 A Study of Modern Sculpture and Colors. Unpublished Master's
Thesis, Ewha Women's University, Seoul, Korea.
Rhythm |
Orange,Blue |
Blue,Yellow |
Red, Scarlet,Yellow |
White,Red,Blue |