+ IACO : International Art Cooperative Organization +

2024. 7. 27

    [¼­¾çÈ­] À̸¶´º¿¤ °¡·¹Æ¼ ¤Ó Emanuele Garletti 3026
Æ®·¢¹é ÁÖ¼Ò : http://artiaco.com/home/bbs/tb.php/mgallery/295 
Emanuele Garletti

I am Emanuele Garletti, stage name Ernesto Galore, I have always been keen on drawing and graphics, since when I was very young as I was spending my time staining and painting my classmates¡¯ diaries and the walls of my room.
The instinctive style is the one which is totally complying with my lifestyle, as it is gratifying my needs, my feelings and moods.
I am very fond of the Expressionist art with all those violent and unnatural colours, its broken and stiff lines and strokes.
It is reflecting me completely and I love the way it is breaking the rules, so instinctively, without any perspective.

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Indifferenza quel sentimento che ci riguarda spesso e che continuiamo a praticare..indaffarati come siamo a sbrigare mille faccende giornaliere sottostando alla tirannia del tempo. Questa tela fissa un atto di ordinaria quotidianità...l¡¯indifferenza verso il prossimo, verso il più debole, verso l¡¯emarginato...uno zaino, forse dimenticato, diviene cortina divisoria tra due perfetti sconosciuti così apparentemente lontani, ma più vicini di quanto possa realmente sembrare.
Un attimo dipinto nella speranza di poter far soffermare e riflettere lo spettatore.. prima che tutto torni a scorrere come ogni giorno nell¡¯indifferenza..

Indifference that feeling that concerns us often and that we continue to practice .. busy as we are to deal with a thousand daily matters under the tyranny of time. This painting fixes an ordinary daily act ... indifference towards others, towards the weaker, towards the marginalized ... a backpack, perhaps forgotten, becomes a dividing curtain between two perfect strangers so apparently distant, but closer than it may seem.

A moment painted in the hope of being able to stop and reflect the viewer .. before everything returns to flow like every day in indifference ..

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Emanuele Garletti,Rest,Oil on canvas,110x150x2cm,2018
Emnauele Garletti, Coke, Oil on canvas,100x100x2cm,2018
Emnauele Garletti, Lady,Oil on canvas,100x100x2cm,2018