+ IACO : International Art Cooperative Organization +

2024. 7. 27

JEMA Post COVID-19 2020 ÀüÁÖ Çö´ë¹Ì¼ú°ü Ưº°Àü
ÀÌ ¸§ IACO (1.¢½.139.198)
³¯ Â¥ 2020-06-02 14:55:43
Á¶ ȸ 4985
Æ®·¢¹é http://artiaco.com/home/bbs/tb.php/talk/4594

Kim, Kyong Yeoul / ±è°æ·Ä
Lee, Kyung Hee/ ÀÌ°æÈñ

Heo Eun Young/ ÇãÀº¿µ

Lee Seoung/ À̽Â

Beyond the Catastrophe

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"There's nothing in the world that doesn't changed.The change itself is eternal."As Daniel Bell said, man is having another experience.

Historically, plague, earthquakes, climate change, etc., all the catastrophe has brutally and constantly threatened species in the global village.The plague that devastated medieval Europe, especially by bacteria, has been recorded as a massive human disaster. In this environment, humans are now facing a new era of fate in which they must coexist with viruses and live in the global community from the threat of survival. Nevertheless, the potential and potential of mankind have evolved over and over again the development of high-tech science, art and humanities, and we finally will also wisely overcome the crisis and heal ourselves in the face of these severe challenges.

Art shines in these crises and will forever co-exist with humans, and will become a vaccine for the soul to heal the plague of the mind and body and to create an opportunity to further enhance the value of mankind from these enormous dangers. The exhibition at JEMA - the Jeonju Museum of Contemporary Art is a new challenge to create opportunities in the crisis. Instinctively, artists born with the divine nature of creative spirit will seek meaningfully in their hardships, heal and hope for the depression of everyone with a small meaning, and create a horizon to overcome more humbly and create a new world with many people around them.

ÀüÁÖ Çö´ë¹Ì¼ú°ü Ưº°Àü
Open- 28 May - Aug 28, 2020

JEMA Contemporary Art Museum

Supports / IACO Gallery Agency
Director / Alvin Lee, Bung Lyol-À̺ؿ­

Invited Artists
Kim, Kwan Soo / ±è°ü¼ö
Kim, Keun Joong / ±è±ÙÁß
Kim, Kyong Yeoul / ±è°æ·Ä
Park, Sung Sik/ ¹Ú¼º½Ä
Lee, Kyung Hee / ÀÌ°æÈñ
Seo, Hong Suk / ¼­È«¼®
Heo Eun Young / ÇãÀº¿µ
Park Hae Keung / ¹ÚÇý°æ
Kim, Tae Hee / ±èÅÂÈñ
Kim, Jang Hyuk / ±èÀåÇõ
Lee Seoung / ÀÌ  ½Â

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